Écrire de manière plus concise en anglais - Astuces
Ecrire de manière concise vos idées est le meilleur moyen de rendre votre thèse, rapport de stage ou votre mémoire en anglais plus compréhensible. Utiliser plus de mots que nécessaire est souvent un signe de confusion et cela rend vos explications peu claires.
Les pires ennemies de la concision sont les périphrases et les redondances. Une erreur courante est de croire qu’il faut des phrases longues et compliquées pour donner à votre thèse ou à votre mémoire un style plus académique mais en réalité l’effet inverse se produit.
Note :
Nous corrigeons vos documents en anglais !
Utiliser les astuces suivantes vous permettra de rendre votre travail en anglais plus intelligible et donc plus efficace.
Éviter les périphrases en écrivant de manière plus concise en anglais
Un bon moyen de rendre vos écrits plus concis en anglais est d’éviter les périphrases. En effet, ces phrases utilisent beaucoup de mots pour énoncer une idée simple.
Périphrase | Exemples | Alternative plus concise | Exemples |
A majority of | A majority of respondents were single parents. | Most | Most respondents were single parents. |
A sufficient amount/number of | A sufficient number of cases were selected. | Enough | Enough cases were selected |
As a result of | The interview was cancelled as a result of illness. | Because of, due to | The interview was cancelled due to illness. |
At all times | The laptop was kept in a locked office at all times. | Always | The laptop was always kept in a locked office.* |
At the present time, at this point in time | The IT sector is expanding at the present time. | Now, currently | The IT sector is currently expanding.* |
By means of | The surveys were distributed by means of email. | By | The surveys were distributed by email. |
Draw attention to | Articles often draw attention to the most problematic cases. | Point out, point to | Articles often point to the most problematic cases. |
Due to the fact that, in light of the fact that | This definition cannot be used due to the fact that it is too limiting. | Because | This definition cannot be used because it is too limiting. |
For the purpose of | A spreadsheet was used for the purpose of recording the data. | For | A spreadsheet was used for recording the data. |
For the reason that | Consultants were excluded for the reason that they are not regular staff. | Because | Consultants were excluded because they are not regular staff. |
Have a tendency to | Economists have a tendency to favor policy reform. | Tend to | Economists tend to favor policy reform. |
Have an impact on | Age appears to have an impact on confidence. | Affect | Age appears to affect confidence. |
Have the ability to | The scale has the ability to measure to the microgram. | Be able to, can | The scale can measure to the microgram. |
In comparison to | The data showed that CEOs earn more in comparison to CFOs. | Than | The results showed that CEOs earn more than CFOs. |
In light of the fact that | Saad’s theory is chosen in light of the fact that it is most relevant. | Because | Saad’s theory is chosen because it is most relevant. |
In order to | More research is needed in order to fill this gap. | To | More research is needed to fill this gap. |
In spite of the fact that, despite the fact that | In spite of the fact that the sample size was limited, … | Although | Although the sample size was limited, … |
In the event that | In the event that a question was left blank, … | If | If a question was left blank, … |
In the neighborhood of | The factory produces in the neighborhood of 5,000 cars a week. | About | The factory produces about 5,000 cars a week. |
In the year YYYY | Sales peaked in the year 2001. | YYYY | Sales peaked in 2001. |
Is of the opinion | Wang (2009) is of the opinion that the model must be expanded. | Thinks, believes | Wang (2009) believes that the model must be expanded. |
Make a calculation of | We made a calculation of the average IQ. | Calculate | We calculated the average IQ. |
Make decisions about | Marketers must make decisions about their target audience. | Decide on | Marketers must decide on their target audience. |
On two occasions | The patients were tested on two occasions. | Twice | The patients were tested twice. |
Small in size | The control group is relatively small in size. | Small | The control group is relatively small. |
The people who are located in | The people who are located in rural areas had fewer symptoms. | The people in | The people in rural areas had fewer symptoms. |
The reason why | The reason why the population decreased is unknown. | The reason | The reason the population decreased is unknown. |
Until such time as | Smartphones will be used until such time as a new technology is developed. | Until | Smartphones will be used until a new technology is developed. |
Whether or not | The goal was to identify whether or not gender made a difference. | Whether | The goal was to identify whether gender made a difference. |
*Si vous remplacez une préposition par un adverbe, cet adverbe aura surement besoin de se trouver à une autre place dans votre phrase.
Eviter les redondances en écrivant de manière plus concise en anglais
Une autre astuce utile pour écrire de manière concise en anglais est d’éviter les redondances. Ce sont des phrases qui exprime la même idée deux fois.
Phrase redondante | Amélioration |
Advance planning | Planning |
Alternative choice | Alternative |
And etcetera | Etcetera |
Ask the question | Ask |
Assemble together | Assemble |
Basic fundamentals | Fundamentals |
Biography/autobiography of her life | Biography/autobiography |
Brief moment | Moment |
Brief summary | Summary |
Careful scrutiny | Scrutiny |
Cash money | Cash |
Classify into groups | Classify |
Collaborate together | Collaborate |
Combine together | Combine |
Compete with each other | Compete |
Completely filled | Filled |
Cooperate together | Cooperate |
Could possibly | Could |
Crisis situation | Crisis |
Current incumbent | Incumbent |
Current trend | Trend |
Depreciate in value | Depreciate |
Different kinds | Kinds |
Disappear from sight | Disappear |
During the course of | During |
Each and every | Each |
Earlier in time | Earlier |
Empty space | Space |
Equal to each other | Equal |
Estimated at about | Estimate at |
Favorable approval | Approval |
Fellow colleague | Colleague |
Few in number | Few |
Final conclusion | Conclusion |
Final end | End |
First and foremost | Foremost |
First of all | First |
Follow after | Follow |
Foreign imports | Imports |
Former graduate | Graduate |
Free gift | Gift |
Future plans | Plans |
General public | Public |
Grow in size | Grow |
Had done previously | Had done |
HIV virus | HIV |
Input into | Input |
Interdependent on each other | Interdependent |
Introduced for the first time | Introduced |
Joint collaboration | Collaboration |
Knowledgeable experts | Experts |
Later time | Later |
Little baby | Baby |
Live audience | Audience |
May possibly | May |
Meet together | Meet |
Might possibly | Might |
Mix together | Mix |
Mutually interdependent | Interdependent |
Mutual respect for each other | Mutual respect |
New innovation | Innovation |
New invention | Invention |
None at all | None |
Oral conversation | Conversation |
Over exaggerate | Exaggerate |
Passing fad | Fad |
Past history | History |
Past memories | Memories |
Present time | Present |
Previously listed above | Previously listed |
Protest against | Protest |
Recur again | Recur |
Re-elect for another term | Re-elect |
Regular routine | Routine |
Reply back | Reply |
Safe haven | Haven |
Spell out in detail | Spell out |
Splice together | Splice |
Still persists | Persists |
Sum total | Total |
Surrounded on all sides | Surrounded |
Tall in height | Tall |
Two/2:00 pm in the afternoon | Two/2:00 pm |
Two equal halves | Halves |
True facts | Facts |
Unexpected surprise | Surprise |
Unintentional mistake | Mistake |
Very unique | Unique |
Visible to the eye | Visible |
Warn in advance | Warn |
Vous pouvez également améliorer votre style en anglais pour la rédaction de votre thèse, mémoire ou rapport de stage en consultant nos articles :
- Erreurs fréquentes en anglais
- Les mots interdits en anglais académique
- Les différences entre les anglais UK US et AUS
- L’utilisation des majuscules dans les titres
- L’écriture des nombres en anglais
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Hasnaoui, R. (2019, 24 janvier). Écrire de manière plus concise en anglais - Astuces. Scribbr. Consulté le 24 mars 2025, de https://www.scribbr.fr/aide-en-anglais/ecrire-de-maniere-plus-concise-en-anglais/